Hoy Hypnotherapy and Coaching West Bridgford, Nottingham

Caffeine and Anxiety

Could your cup of coffee or tea be making your anxiety worse?

Within 15 minutes of drinking caffeine, the stress hormone adrenaline is released, which activates the body's systems ready for action. This chemical reaction is great - if you are looking for a boost in energy or to increase concentration, but is not ideal for those with anxiety. Both anxiety and caffeine tell our adrenal glands to produce adrenaline, which floods through the body and results in the 'fight or flight' mode being activated. This may result in symptoms such as palpitations, headache, dizziness, muscle aches and tension, trembling or shaking, dry mouth, shortness of breath, stomach ache, feeling sick and difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia).

So, if you are dealing with anxiety, it may be helpful to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks - such as Coke and Pepsi. Decaffeinated versions are available and are actually quite good these days! If you do choose to drink caffeine, then perhaps see if it makes your anxiety worse and make a judgement call on if it's worth it for you.

Also, it may be helpful not to drink any caffeine after 3pm, as this can impact negatively on your sleep. Caffeine has a half-life of about 6 hours. This means that if you drink a cup of tea (approx. 40 mg of caffeine), or coffee (approx. 90 -200mg of caffeine), you will have half that amount of caffeine remaining in your system after 6 hours - which is not conducive to a good night's sleep for many people.


Hypnotherapy for the Menopause. Can it help?

The menopause is a completely natural stage of life (the other side of puberty!) But for many women, the symptoms they experience running up to and during it, can be difficult and distressing to cope with. The list includes: increased anxiety, low mood, anger, hot flushes, fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, loss of confidence and self esteem, sleep problems, memory issues, dryness, digestive issues, amongst many others. Your GP should always be your first point of call, for advice, help and to check for other factors. But what else can YOU do? You may find hypnotherapy to be beneficial in helping you cope with the symptoms themselves and by teaching you that your mind can be more in control of your body, and the changes and symptoms, than you realised.

Allowing women to recognise that their bodies are not working against them, but are just showing the signs of change and communicating these changes in the form of symptoms, can be really helpful. In addition, making changes in your lifestyle and what and when you eat (and drink) can be very beneficial. Infact, the IMS (International Menopause Society) recommend that these changes should be the first line of defence in menopause management. I love to help women who want to approach menopause and perimenopause in an informed and positive way. If you would like help with mindset, tools to empower you, lifestyle, and nutrition advice that can transform the way you approach this time of your life, then let's talk. Sessions will be individually tailored for you and your needs. CALL NOW

Mindsethealth.com - "Hypnotherapy has been shown to also improve many other aspects of life during menopause. This includes improving sleep (by reducing night sweats), reducing stress, and improving mood."

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